Tasting of typical products Assisi

Typical of Assisi

With only 5 Euro per person (children free) 

Tasting of typical Assisi cured meats and cheeses, told in a fun and friendly way by those who live the tradition of the area.

Taste Everything and choose your SuperPanino or a plate of your favourite Assisi flavours. Water included-

Beers, wines and drinks for all tastes at will! 

In addition, only if you want, you can choose what to bring home to surprise your friends and relatives with a Mega Appetizer of Assisi: no obligation to purchase and no minimum amount.

Vacuum packs always included to guarantee preservation and freshness at home. 

Only at AssaggiAssisi, in the historic centre Via Borgo Aretino 11/B, a few steps from the Basilica of Santa Chiara and from the Porta Nuova car park.
( at the bottom of this page you can see the map to reach us )

To guarantee you the best experience, we ask that you take the time to enjoy our tasting of typical Assisi products to the fullest.

The best choice is to book the tasting choosing the day and time below: you will be sure not to have to wait and you can enjoy the experience at its best.

Tasting of typical Umbrian and Assisi food and products, told in detail and entertaining by those who live every day the tradition of the area.

Coglioni del Mulo, Palle del Nonno, Ciauscolo o Salame Spalmabile, Salame di Cervo e di Cinghiale, Salame al Tartufo, Fiaschetta del Prete, Lonzino Stagionato, Capocollo, Pecorino Stagionato, Tartufo Fresco, Pane di un Antico Forno di Assisi

Tasting with Super Sandwich of cold cuts, cheeses and typical Umbrian and Assisi products

5,00 to Person VAT included

Book your SuperPanino tasting of typical products by choosing the day and time below.
If you don't see an available time, come to the shop anyway and you'll wait 15 minutes maximum.
You pay in the shop when you arrive, there is no need to pay at this time.

In the historical centre ASSISI, Via Borgo Aretino 11/B
A few steps from the Basilica of Santa Chiara and from the Porta Nuova Car Park
Click here to reach us in a few minutes: https://www.assaggiassisi.com/dove-siamo

Telephone Reservations: Tel. 075.813564

To book choose the day and then the time below.

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Only 5 Euros per person

Super Sandwich tasting of cured meats, cheeses and typical Umbrian and Assisi products, narrated in a fun and friendly way by those who live the tradition of the area.

Every day at AssaggiAssisi.

Try everything and eat a super sandwich or a cold plate of your favourite Assisi flavours.
Bread and drinks for all tastes at will! ( Water included in 5 Euro )

In addition, only if you want, you can choose what to bring home to surprise your friends and relatives with a Mega Appetizer of Assisi: no obligation to purchase and no minimum amount.

Vacuum packs always included to guarantee preservation and freshness at home.

Only from AssaggiAssisi, in the historic center Via Borgo Aretino 11/B, a few steps from the Basilica of Santa Chiara and from Porta Nuova Parking.
Click here to reach us in a few minutes: https://www.assaggiassisi.com/dove-siamo

To ensure you have the best experience, we ask that you take the time to enjoy our Assisi food tasting experience to the fullest.
Book your Assisi tasting experience by choosing below the day and time. You pay nothing now, you only pay when you arrive.

The staff and I will guide you through a tasting session telling you about the origins of the flavours of Umbria, and in 10 minutes you and all your friends and relatives travelling with you can be enjoying the famous Super Panino.

Coglioni del Mulo, Palle del Nonno, Ciauscolo or Salame Spalmabile, Salame di Cervo or Cinghiale, Salame al Tartufo, Fiaschetta del Prete, Corallina, Lonzino Stagionato, Lonza, Pecorino Stagionato, Pecorini Spziati, with 3 types of bread including a gluten-free option

No Minimum Amount and Vacuum Packaging always Included, but keep the freshness of our products until you eat them!

If you want to buy only what you like, and only after you've tasted it!

Drinks and various beverages will be offered to you by us during the tasting path.
But if you want to drink something more delicious, we have a wide choice!

After the tasting, you can eat your super sandwich with typical Assisi products while sitting in the most beautiful and comfortable open-air space in the historic centre: the Belvedere.
Sitting on the comfortable wall-bench in Via Borgo Aretino, right in front of our shop, you will enjoy a breathtaking view and you can also take a splendid photograph for your Instagram.

I'll be waiting for you at AssaggiAssisi, Via Borgo Aretino 11/B. Historic centre. Assisi. Tel. 075.813564

Tonino the Farmer.

Book your tasting of typical Assisi products, choosing your preferred day and time below. Pay in the shop when you arrive, no need to pay at this time.

5 star review  Conosco molto bene AssaggiAssisi, ho comprato spesso online, mi sono trovato in visita in zona, ed ho approfittato per pranzare da loro. Ottima scelta, con piccola degustazione, per scegliere il panino preferito.

thumb Mr. SD610

5 star review  Michela ci ha fatto sentire davvero a casa! La sua professionalità e gentilezza, insieme alla qualità dei prodotti, ha reso la nostra esperienza qui indimenticabile. Dovrebbero esserci più persone come lei che lavorano a contatto con il pubblico.

thumb Maya Cillo

5 star review  Attività che ho scoperto per caso su Instagram nel programmare qualche attività di viaggio, è stata una piacevole sorpresa già annunciata dalla lettura di altre positive recensioni. Come viene definito dalla gentile ragazza che abbiamo ritrovato all'interno, questo è più di un locale dove comprare semplicemente dei panini, ma è un vero e proprio percorso di degustazione, in cui si viene rapiti per 15 minuti e si assaggiano (tutto aggratis) ottimi salumi (salame di cinghiale, di cervo o al tartufo) formaggi (alle noci, al basilico, e altro) eventualmente da accompagnare da un bicchiere di vino. I prodotti sono raffinati e artigianali, e da abbinare con criterio di sapori e controsapori, comunque suggeriti. Passati al dunque, si può scegliere come farsi farcire il panino (buono anche se come il pane della zona è povero di sale dall'impasto) e la cosa stupefacente è che vi è la giusta abbondanza dei prodotti. Carina l'idea di portare via il tutto nel cesto con l'apribottiglia accanto, e mangiare fuori il tutto, anche perché il locale è graziosamente piccolo. Credo che sia una tappa obbligata se si passa a visitare Assisi.

thumb Angelo Cacciapaglia
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